Anyone who has ever labored on their knees to try to scrape and scrub away burnt-on crusts and stains from the bottom of an oven knows it isn’t something they ever want to do again. It sure takes the joy out of pizza and apple pie!
With the Cooks Innovations Non-Stick Oven Liner, SAY GOODBYE TO:
- Toxic-smelling oven cleaners that require you to ventilate and leave the house
- The burning smell and ash residue clean-up required of of self-cleaning ovens
- Laborious scrubbing and scraping from impossible angles
- Having to replace an oven due to excessive wear of oven floor and burners or elements
The Cook’s Innovations Non-Stick Oven Liner keeps your oven floor sparkling and like-new, guards against burning and chemical smells throughout your house and saves you time and energy for better things. And you may just minimize flare ups and blaring smoke alarms!
Can also be used on the grill as a grill mat.